for the Long Haul to Dawson (all
746 km of it)
McKenna and Liz Bosely start
the 746 km YRQ – 2007.
Photo by Harry Kern |
intake and competitive performance
is of great concern to marathon paddlers.
The Yukon River Quest offers additional
challenges of wet, cool weather,
extreme long distance and overwhelming
fatigue. So
what do you eat? How do you maintain
your energy and avoid a scratch?
concentration of blood glucose falls
progressively during prolonged, strenuous
exercise (paddling to Dawson). This
is because glucose uptake by continually
working muscle increases as much as
20-times above resting levels.
have shown that endurance exercise
alters protein metabolism increasing
amino acid oxidation and greatly
increasing protein needs. Protein, consumed
with carbohydrate stimulates the release
of insulin and growth hormone. While
your muscle cells are getting a continual
workload while paddling, time spent feeding those muscles has to be taken.
Train, Train, Train
Endurance training increases an athlete’s
ability to perform. This is due
to the increase in the number of mitochondria
(the cell’s energy factory) as
well as an increase in cardiovascular
capacity, lung capacity and hypertrophy
(increase in size) of skeletal muscle.
training appears to result in an increased
capacity for muscle glycogen storage. So
by race day, the trained athlete benefits
from a slower utilization of muscle
glycogen and from higher glycogen stores
at the beginning of the race. Another
reason why training well ahead of this
race is critical.
Fatigue or Failure?
The depletion of muscle glycogen is
the single most consistently observed
factor contributing to fatigue. With
high rates of carbohydrate breakdown
comes a rise in the production of
lactic acid accumulation in muscle
and blood. This is particularly
evident in situations of oxygen debt. This
is why it is so important to keep
paddle stroke rate to a moderate,
comfortable turnover – it is
a LONG way to Dawson City. Too
fast, you’ll crash.
bananas helps keep up that
critical potassium level.
Photos by Harry Kern
to elevate muscle glycogen stores
You’ve heard it from your mother,
good nutrition will pay off. Months
before the race, eat a balanced diet,
low in fat, high in complex carbohydrates,
high in protein. Lots of vegetables,
whole grains and fiber foods will balance
you out so you can keep the balance
in your boat.
races longer than 30 km, a tapered
down exercise and high carbohydrate
food intake one week prior to the
race is what is currently recommended.
Low glycemic Index foods have shown
to improve endurance in long distance
racing. While training up the
oats, barley, pasta with cheese and
whole grains but limit the sweets (especially
fructose). However, be aware
that research shows the best results
in those racers who have high glycogen
stores going into the race – so
months before while training, focus
on carbohydrates, protein and low fat
in your meals.
final meal before the race should
be consumed several hours before
noon. For long endurance events,
a low fat, high in complex carbohydrate
meal is recommended. Eat
enough to maximize your glycogen stores. Include
some bananas as they are high in potassium. Eat
a good breakfast in the morning and
a substantial snack before noon. Going
into the race, the stomach should be
fairly empty which will allow for rapid
water absorption.
Even low levels of dehydration can
affect performance. Start drinking
before you feel thirsty. Experience
shows that those paddlers who get
their fluids by way of a hooked-up
hydration tube system allowing hands-free
drinking will do the best in this
for the first 60 minutes, water is
okay. By
the second hour of the race, electrolyte
replacement is essential. For
the rest of the race, you will need
a continual supply of electrolytes.
Accompanying your sweat is a high
rate of carbohydrate breakdown and
a rise of lactic acid accumulating
in muscle. This
causes a drop in intracellular pH resulting
in cramps.
replacements are available in liquid
sports drinks, powders, chewable
gummies and gels. It
is important to read the labels avoiding
those with greater than 8% carbohydrate. Avoid
fructose as it is slowly absorbed.
Choose your favorite fluid flavor but
make sure you choose one. (It is on
the list of compulsory items that you
must have in your boat.)
better absorption, liquids should
be cool, not cold.
enough water to get to Carmacks where
you can refill.
along a thermos of hot tea, coffee
or hot juice is very welcome in the
middle of the first night. Refill
in Carmacks and again in Kirkman Creek,
it will be worth its weight.
like a squirrel…
Find ways to stash your food so
that you can get at it quickly. If
it is too difficult to get at, you
won’t get it. Get it?
C-2 paddlers run a string from bow
to stern attaching little baggies
or collapsible cups with snack items. The
better organized you are, the better
your chances of getting the food fast. Kayakers
are known to strategically place food
items all around their cockpit. I
have seen racers store food in their
hats and even in their shorts (don’t
ask). Before leaving Whitehorse
on race day, have food for the next
10 hours within reach. Use
a small zip cooler under your feet
(cold and close) to store sandwiches
or things you want to keep cold. Do
not let a food-borne illness wreck
your chances to eat BBQ in Dawson.
all bags in Carmacks. Take
an additional bag of food to replenish
in Kirkman Creek. Before
you leave each checkpoint, have your
food organized and within reach. Unwrap
items, cut or break into bite-size
pieces, keep sugar to an absolute minimum.
things done in the midnight sun…
The nature of your food choice for
the race is ultimately up to you.
Seethaler (Alaska YRQ superstar paddler
who has raced every YRQ from the inaugral
1999 to this year’s 2008) has
his Uncle Walter deliver two BBQ chickens
to the 7 hour layover in Carmacks. They
say not even the bones remain.
paddlers pack pizzas, hamburgers, ready-to-eat
sandwiches and pre-made stews. What
works for Larry and other ‘cast-iron’ stomachs,
may not go down so well in your GI
key for optimal digestion when your
body is stressed (ie. paddlng non-stop)
is low fat, complex carbohydrates
and moderate protein. Limit
the fiber during the race (for obvious
reasons). Your
body is working so hard that blood
is shunted away from digestion and
to the large muscles. This is
why you need easy-to-digest foods.
make my own oatmeal cookies and fruit
scones, pack cheese, small sandwiches
made with cream cheese and avocado.
My racing partner Elizabeth Bosely,
finds hard-cooked, lightly salted eggs
go down easily. She also packs
her own home-smoked Teslin salmon and
moose jerky to get easily digested
the years I have had good success
with pre-baked potatoes, peanut butter
and jam sandwiches, bananas and pre-cut
cantaloupe melon.
paddlers pack liquid meal replacements.
the real fatigue hits, some paddlers
hit the coffee beans and caffeine
sources. Be
careful – high caffeine can lead
to even more dehydration – drink
is interesting research on increased
run time, muscle strength, improved
recovery and improved oxygen metabolism
being done with ginseng. Apparently
chewing the ginseng root gives the
best results! However,
most studies show the increase is after
supplementation after 8 weeks so
if using, start well ahead of the
someone on hand in Carmacks who can
hand you warm food (preferably carbohydrates
with some protein) and fluids as
soon as you arrive for your 7 hour
mandatory rest/sleep. Alternately,
there is a hamburger stand. You
will need an additional meal before
leaving Carmacks for the next section
of the race.
will be fed in Kirkman Creek (soup
and sandwich) but you should pack
food for when you wake up and for
the last leg to Dawson. Again,
have your boat packed with your food/snacks
stashes before you leave Kirkman.
The last word, hopefully not burped…
Many racers
have digestive troubles due to cramped,
prolonged sitting and shoving in food high speed. Consuming high amounts of air while eating and not enough
fluids can contribute to the nasty burps the volunteers hear down the river,
well before the racer arrives. It is a great race, but do feed yourself and
take a little bit of time to do it.
of luck to all YRQ racers. I’ll
see you on the river!
McKenna is currently studying in
a Masters of Science in Human Nutrition
program. She
is a YRQ racer and a Foods and Nutrition
teacher in a Whitehorse high school.