First Aid Kit

IN WATERPROOF CONTAINER/BAG – One kit per Solo or Tandem Team.

Voyageur teams must have at least 3 kits for the minimum 6 paddlers, and an additional kit for each additional pairs of paddlers.
An 8-person team would need 4 kits, a 10 person team would need 5 kits, a 12-person team 6 kits, etc.

The following are required per kit and will be checked at Pre-Race Inspection:

Mandatory items:
2 - 4x4 sterile gauze dressings
2 - 3x4 telfa pads
1 roll conforming gauze
4 - 1x3 adhesive bandages
3 knuckle bandages
Roll of 1” waterproof adhesive tape, or equivalent amount of duct tape
4 antiseptic wipes
Antibacterial ointment
3” ace bandage
Mole skin

Optional suggested items:
3 doses painkiller – Tylenol, Aspirin
3 doses anti-inflammatory – Motrin, Advil
3 doses antihistamine

Make sure your support team has adequate replacement items at Carmacks!

Yukon River Quest, Yukon River Marathon Paddling Association
4061 4th Ave., Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 1H1
Phone: (867) 333-5628 • Fax: (867) 633-2267
Email: • Website:
© Yukon River Marathon Paddling Association • Designed by Brett Barden